Make, type, model, and size of alarm or dry pipe valve. All control valves, check valves, drain pipes, and test connections. Type and locations of hangers, sleeves, braces, and methods of securing sprinklers when applicable. The contractor shall specify on drawing any sections to be shop welded and the type of fittings or formations to be used. Type of fittings and joints and location of all welds, and bends. Where typical branch lines prevail, it shall be necessary to size only one typical line. Pipe type and schedule of wall thickness.Ģ Nominal pipe size and cutting lengths of pipe. Approximate capacity in gallons of each dry pipe system.

Total number of sprinklers on each dry pipe system, preaction system, combined dry pipe-preaction system, or deluge system. Number of sprinklers on each riser per floor. Total area protected by each system on each floor. Temperature rating and location of high-temperature sprinklers. Other sources of water supply, with pressure or elevation Make, type, model, and nominal K-factor of sprinklers. Size of city main in street and whether dead end or circulating if dead end, direction and distance to nearest circulating main and city main test results and system elevation relative to test hydrant. Any small enclosures in which no sprinklers are to be installed. Occupancy class of each area or room Location and size of concealed spaces, closets, attics, and bathrooms. Full height cross section, or schematic diagram, including structural member information if required for clarity and including ceiling construction and method of protection for nonmetallic piping. Name of owner and occupant Location, including street address Point of compass. Working plans shall be drawn to an indicated scale, on sheets of uniform size, with a plan of each floor, and shall show those items from the following list that pertain to the design of the system. 1 SPRINKLER SYSTEM PLANS AND CALCULATIONS CHECK LIST 1.